Saturday, August 11, 2007

In Memory of my Beloved Spotted Dog Best friend a man could have!

This morning 8/11/07 after about 21 years, my dog Spot went to be with his mama and his brothers and sisters that went before him.

After long bought with heart trouble he just wore out.

Spotted dog you are the best buddy a man could ever hope for. You saved my life twice and worried over me and Mama and took care of all the other dogs your were the Boss Dog around here. I will miss you my buddy but know your now out of pain . God take you into heaven. Until we meet again Adios my darling boy. Mimi, Hunter, Ernie and Allie said to tell you they love you and will miss you.
Love your daddy

Sunday, May 6, 2007

My name is Ernie

Hello my name is Ernie. I just got here to my new daddy's place. My old people got this new human baby and didn't want me and my kitty anymore. Does anyone know where they took my kitty ? I love my kitty and she loves me . My new home has a lot of other animals around has 3 other grown dogs. Spotted dog is the oldest and daddy said is in charge of the pack under him. Then there is Mimi daddy calls her sissie and Hunter he looks more like a rat then a dog but he is nice to me . Allie has babies she has already given away she is nice but a little itch (if you knoow what I mean). Then there is three birds Wolfman (some name for a bird) he whistles all the time. Gertrude she is old and just sits then Trent he is a loud mouth also two creatures that daddy calls Iguana's in A big cage boy they look tough. And three sugargliders that are asleep and come out to play at night. So tonight when everyone is asleep I will play with them. Also here I can go outside and stay outside all day if I want to. I just slipped up and gave my new daddy a big sloppy kiss right in the smacker my other people didn't let me kiss them if anyone see's my kitty please tell her where I am. I am sure my new daddy would find a place for her. He wouldn't have to get her any food he already has three birds for her to eat.

This is me and my old owner that doesn't love me and Kitty anymore. We lived in this apartment and could not go outside

I am glad I got a new home just miss my kitty so bad.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Roses Blooms

Blooms for April

Here are a few of my blooms and flowers for April. 3 Pitcher Plants and 1 Venus Flytrap.

Everything almost back to normal

Well my brother went back to work 3 weeks from the day of his triple heart bypass. My daughter is back to work 4 weeks after her emergency appendectomy , 2 surgeries for breast cancer and radiation treatments. My son went back to work around a month after his liver transplant and some complication's all seem to be doing well.
Jack Russell had 4 puppies all growing well and eating good at 5 weeks old. New Joey Sugar Glider is doing well should be coming off the nest very soon. All in all God is great to my family. Only family problem is my aged Mother who is not doing well but at 93 as good as we can expect.
Will post photo's of all my blooms and animals in another blog.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Harold and Joyce

Well Harold got his liver transplant Saturday . I got to see him yesterday in ICU he took hold of my hand and said over and over "my dad, my dad I love you". He was moved into a room today in the Transplant center and is doing well. Will still be in the hospital for about three weeks.

Joyce had her Lumpectomy today. One of her daughters called me and said Doctor told her he thought they got all the cancer but will know for sure Thursday just hoping he doesn't have to remove her breast. But saving her life is so much more important. Billie left them in my charge I don't seem to have done very well protecting them but I have done my best. It is all in God's hands now. The Doctors have done their thing with God's guidance. Now God will continue to heal them and give us all strength.

Friday, March 2, 2007

My Birds

Here are my birds. Wolfman the Cockatiel is old and set in his ways takes nothing off of nobody. All these Birds someone had got then decided they didn't want them.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

My Dogs

These are my Dogs I now have:

Sugar Gliders

My Sugar Gliders Clyde and Laci:

My Green Iguana's

My Green Iguana's Riki and Luci :
The boy in blue shirt with Luci is a friends son. The little boy with Luci is another friends Grandson

Rainbow Bridge

A few of my animals that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge in Years past.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Blow Wind Blow everything away!!!!

Today the wind blew so bad I thought I was back in Odessa Texas. Was trying to tie things down was blown over with some plastic covering. My best friends shed which was anchored in the ground with steel Re-bar was blown completely apart. His wife ask me to come help him gather things up. It had blown things in a wide area. We got it picked up and the pieces of this Rubber Maid shed gathered up and tied down. I saw the red sand in the west started home wind was so hard it just tossed cars around. News showed a lot of trailers blown over and house roofs blown off and walls and fences blown down. My mother just called from New Mexico was worried I hadn't called her today. Have not heard from anyone else but tomorrow is another day PBR is on now so I will check back later.